Monday, May 9, 2011

Movement this week

Week of May 2-8
May 2) circuit training-30 minutes**
May 3) Yoga-60 minutes-30minutes cleaning
May 4) elliptcal-25 minutes (actually did 30)
May 5) circuit training-30 minutes (35 mins on elliptical, 15 on bike plus weights)
May 6) 200 situps (100AM/100PM)
May 7) Elliptical-25 minutes (actually did 32 plus 13 on the bike)
May 8) Cooking for Mother's Day
I have moved this week!!
**They shut down the circuit training at the gym while they renovate so I used the stationary bike for 30 minutes plus 30 minutes of weights

Week of May 9-15
May 9) elliptical-35 minutes/weights
May 10) Flow Yoga-90 minutes

This is an energetic style of practice that connects the breath with a series of flowing postures. It will allow the student to build strength and increase flexibility, but most importantly to experience the full measure of santosha (contentment) at the conclusion of the practice. Focus will be on alignment principles, building strength, breathing techniques and meditation/mindfulness.

May 11) gardening
May 12) bike plus weights
May 13) 250 situps (125AM/125PM)
May 14) elliptical plus weights
May 15) walk around the neighborhood