Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Giving Day 2.2-2.3

Yesterday was Father's Day so I had an impromptu get together at my house in order to give my dad his present. I went to the farmer's market early in the morning and scored corn that was picked that morning, cucumbers, peaches, and basil. I cut up the peaches as soon as we got home and Monkeyface ate them as fast as I could peel them. I'm thinking that I'm going to grill some chicken later this week and mix up a peach salsa to go with it. The dozen ears of corn were devoured between the 6 of us and even Monkeyface ate his fair share. I was starting to believe that he wasn't mine b/c I couldn't get him to eat corn. What kid doesn't eat corn? We remedied that though with corn on the cob. It was sweet and delicious and grilled perfectly. Today I had the cucumbers mixed with tomatoes in a salad and they were also perfect. Much better that the waxy withered cukes I get at the grocery store. Tomorrow the hubby is going to whip up something amazing with the fresh basil. I'm thinking that if there are any tomatoes left then I'm going to be taking my lunch to work on Wednesday. Tomato sandwich with basil mayo...mmmm. I love summer. The prices were so ridiculously cheap on all the locally grown food. I think I'm going back every weekend prior to planning my menu and then planning around what is available. It's amazing how much better everything tastes.

Today it was back to work. Monkeyface also moved up to the next class in daycare. It was great picking him up this afternoon and hearing that he knew a few of his colors, numbers, and animals. We've been working on them at home but I never know if he's paying attention. I guess I'm a better teacher than I thought. When we got home I immediately started cooking dinner while the hubby cleaned our bedroom. He quit smoking last Wednesday and so far he's cleaned out his car, his office, and now our bedroom. It's fantastic. These are things that I've been wanting to do for months and talk about doing them, but have poor follow through.
Giving today...lots of "thank yous".
OH and the stimulus check finally came today! WOO HOO!!!!