Monday, July 20, 2009

Week Four

Really? Week Four already?

Weight Loss
I lost .2 lbs this week.
Still having a problem with the moving thing. Why oh why do I fight it? How do I convince myself to roll out of the bed early in the morning?
Hormones were all out of sorts this week so I ate way more sugar than I should have. That will be remidied. I was able to introduce plums and nectarines to the little one this week (thanks Grandma!)
I am adding this new section b/c I think it's important. When I started this process again for the 1,000,000th time I promised myself that I would not get frustrated at how slowly I lost and I would track everything for at least one year. I can't believe I am not frustrated yet but I also realize that I am not giving this as much effort as I could.

Goals for Week 4:
**exercise 3 times this week for 30 minutes each time or a total of 90 minutes
**Try out Jillian Michael's 30 day shred (for real really this time-it is in the DVD player waiting for me)
**Lose 3 lbs this week
**Take a walk around the neighborhood again
**water, water, water