2-I've been teaching him that monsters aren't scary b/c he's bigger than they are and we can scare them right back.
3-People keep thinking he's 4 even though he's still 2. He is super tall and fearless.
4-Speaking of fearless...this kid is not afraid to try anything new. I'm amazed how willing he is to try something. Sometimes it takes explanation and maybe even doing it myself first, but he always tries
5-I've been spring cleaning of sorts. I've kept a running list all week long of what needs to be done and I've been actually doing it. I do love scratching items of a list. It is extremely satisfying.
6-I am taking it super easy this weekend & just chilling out. Making some cookies with Monkeyface, doing a few light chores, some artwork, and just playing.
7-Why does my kid refuse to wear pants on the weekend? It cracks me up.
Last weekend we ventured out to the Ham & Yam Festival where the guy running the petting zoo sounded like the chicken farmer from Napoleon Dynamite. I kept asking him questions just so I could hear him talk. My kid loved feeding the animals including a baby camel.
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