This product is a god send to anyone with curls. Seriously. I've tried to live without it but I cannot. I had to break down and buy some today b/c my hair is screaming for it. Silly I know, but I can't think of another hair product that I love more.
1. I am a maker of lists
2. There is no sound better than my son laughing
3. I love to make music
4. I hate uncomfortable underwear
5. I am a new mom and am slowly getting the hang of compromise
6. I enjoy mind massages and am fascinated by travel
7. I like when songs make use of bangos, organs, or whistling
8. I am the queen of pants
9. I have been nicknamed Booty by a homeless guy named French Fry
10. I believe in moments of randomness. They happen often if you pay attention
11. I once met the original cowboy from the Village People, but I didn't know this until he told me who he was
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