Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week Six

I didn't do an update last week b/c it was just too depressing to post the same thing again. No weight loss. Same thing this week and I know it is all purely mental. I'm too exhausted by the time I get home each and every day and I cannot bring myself to get out of bed any earlier. Tomorrow is the day I go for my yearly check up at the cardiologist so I suppose it's my New Year's Day. I've got to find something to motivate me and soon. I've got to snap out of this.

Weight Loss
I have neither lost nor gained any weight
Still having a problem with the moving thing. Why oh why do I fight it? How do I convince myself to roll out of the bed early in the morning?
Food is all out of whack. My portion sizes are smaller but what I'm eating is not all that great.
I feel like I'm fighting depression. Yes I know exercise would snap me out of this but I am caught in a Catch-22. I know I'll snap out of it soon enough but for now I'm taking it for what it is and I'm learning new things about myself.

Goals for Week 6:
**15 minutes of movement every day
**Try out Jillian Michael's 30 day shred (for real really this time-it is in the DVD player waiting for me)
**Lose 3 lbs this week
**Get outside for a nature walk...maybe the art museum trail
**water, water, water