Sunday, January 4, 2009

35 before I'm 36-or a way to get around having resolutions

1. Go on a family picnic
2. Go to the beach
3. Teach Monkeyface to ride a tricycle
4. Pay off $5,000 in debt
5. Lose 60 lbs
6. Print and put Monkeyface's photos in an album
7. Rent a park for Monkeyface's birthday party
8. Go to a movie alone
9. Send 3 friends gifts for no reason
10. Sell clothes on ebay (see debt elimination above)
11. Walk a 5k
12. Get rid of 3 pairs of shoes
13. Buy new sheets
14. Buy a new duvet cover
15. Save $1,000 in an emergency fund (done 2/12/09)
16. Learn to fold an orgami t-shirt
17. Take Monkeyface to the art museum for an outdoor movie
18. Take Monkeyface to the art museum for a hike
19. Make a sugar body scrub
20. Plan a monthly budget as of Jan 2009
21. This entry is private
22. Walk on the treadmill at my house
23. Take Monkeyface out on a walk while he rides his tricycle
24. Read Obama's book-the audacity of hope
25. Read book 4 of twilight series
26. Read 5 random books
27. Potty train Monkeyface
28. Move picnic table down to back yard
29. Have a yard sale OR donate all items to charity
30. Plant something in my yard
31. Grow an herb garden
32. This entry is private
33. Wear a dress
34. Own a pair of black boots
35. Go to the spa