This weekend we had a friend over for arts & crafts. We finger painted, did collages, and built little foam creatures (I attached a magnet to the back so that they could go on the frig). Our poor kitten is saying "woof" b/c there was no "meow" in the package. We ended up at McDonald's Saturday afternoon for a half eaten lunch and some running and playing. He's only been to McDonald's to play one other time and had a blast. Most kids were courteous to him though he did get knocked down at least once. I understand that it can be overwhelming for him to be in such a small space with a ton of bigger kids, but he held his own pretty well.

Yesterday we picked up a new to us, gently used Radio Flyer tricycle. It blows my mind that these tricycles are $90, on sale for $70. We were lucky to find it for $30 and it is awesome. Of course, now it's snowing so there is no riding the tricycle today. How about this weekend when it will be 74 degrees? I feel a sickness coming on. Seriously. This has been the weirdest winter that I remember since it continuously drops and rises 30-40 degrees weekly in some instances.
I'm with ya on the weather.
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