Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Giving-Day 13

A crisis will be striking tens of thousands of homes in just a few short weeks. Struggling parents will be faced with the question - "How will I feed my child when school is out?"

Nearly 250,000 children in our 34-county service territory receive free and reduced breakfasts and lunches at school. In just a few short weeks, school will be closed for the summer. No school equals no meals.

More families rely on the Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC to help them close this enormous gap and provide meals to their children. But, summertime is one of our most difficult times of the year. Food drive and fund donations decline. Additionally, the lasting effects of the drought on produce donations and rising fuel & food costs this year make things especially challenging.

You've seen the issues of hunger in the news lately. Many are calling this dire situation "the global food crisis": not a shortage in food, but one of soaring prices.

I donated a grocery basket of food. It was only $25 but they can turn that into $200 worth of food. I'm amazed and humbled.