Monday, June 6, 2011

Movement June 6-12

May 30-June 5
May 30) 65 minutes elliptical (averaging 15 minutes per mile yay!!)
May 31) 90 minutes yoga
June 1) rest
June 2) 30 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes circuit training
June 3) rest
June 4) 60 minutes elliptical
June 5) 30 minutes stationary bike

Wow! What a crazy week this last week was. Kingergarten orientation that lasted WAY longer than it should have, birthday party for my little one with 22 kids, preparing for the party, and utter exhaustion. I am tired and I am mad that I have not worked out at all this month. I have rested though. So since I just took a week off, I'm going to have to be careful this week and take it slow.

June 6-12
June 6) 30 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes circuit (45 elliptical, 20 stationary bike)
June 7) 90 minutes yoga (30 minutes cybex arc trainer, 20 minutes stationary bike)
June 8) DANCING-concert for Mumford & Sons!!! (30 minutes dancing, 20 minutes walking
June 9) 45 minutes elliptical (5k?) (65 minutes elliptical)
June 10) rest (try to slip in a little walk)
June 11) 60 minutes elliptical (30 mins elliptical, 30 minutes circuit)
June 12) 30 minutes stationary bike, 30 minutes weights